But Joshua was old and advanced in years; and the Lord said unto him, Thou art old and advanced in days; and yet very much land was left to possess.
Joshua 13:1
- Just as God had many lands to be conquered after Joshua's old age, He also has many blessings for our life. God's promises to us are abundant and limitless. He wants to bless us beyond what we can imagine.
- However, to receive these blessings, we need to have faith. Faith is the key that opens the doors to God's blessings in our lives. Without it, we cannot receive all that God has for us.
- Faith is full trust in God, the belief that He is powerful and faithful to fulfill His promises. It is the willingness to trust God even when circumstances seem unfavorable. It's having the conviction that God is working in our favor, even when we can't see the immediate result.
- We saw that, God has many blessings for our lives, but it is necessary to have faith to conquer them. We must trust God fully, act according to our faith and follow his commandments. May we have the faith necessary to receive all that God has for us.
- * It is time to receive more from God.