

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
(Romans 5:5)

Thought: The biblical meaning of the word hope is related to the certainty we can have, that what we believe in will happen. It is a spiritual confidence, which exceeds all our understanding, as well as Faith !!! We can have this certainty, this hope, and this faith, because in our hearts there is much more than just a desire, an emotion, or a belief, for God himself dwells in us. When we become Christians, Jesus pours the Spirit into us, as God's gift to sanctify us, make us part of the same Body, and dwell within our hearts. Paul adds one more thing to the list of blessings that come from God's presence - the Father's love. It is not something we just have, but something that God continues to renew through the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus promised. 

Prayer: Holy and Mighty God, awesome in power and majestic in holiness, thank you for not only coming to us in Christ, but also for dwelling in us through your Spirit. Please pour your love into my heart so that the fruit of your grace may flow from me to those around me so that they may know your grace. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.