Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all lands. Serve the Lord with gladness, present yourselves before him with singing.
Psalms 100:1-2
- Is serving God with joy a goal in your life? The psalmist in Psalm 100 encourages us to worship the Lord with enthusiasm and satisfaction. We are also encouraged to serve God with praise, fear (Ps. 2:11), agreeably, willingly (Eph. 6:7). We know that serving God is no longer an obligation on our endless to-do list, but a privilege and honor! - We don't serve to be saved, but we serve because we were saved by Jesus! This should change our attitude toward God and people. Some are always demanding that God serve them (the way they determine!) and always want others to do everything for them. Remember: you were saved to serve!
- Greater is what SERVES (Mt 23:11)! Jesus gave us an example by making himself a servant, he came to meet the impure, he washed the feet of the disciples... He also washed our hearts riddled with filth... Be more like Him: serve God with fear, serve others others with love.
----- Serving with love:
- God gave us Life for a purpose! Look around you, there is much to do!
- Pray and be available to serve! God has a lot to do in everyone through us!
- Everything you do at home, work, school or church should be done as if it were done for God. Dedicate yourself to every service you do. Be the best for the glory of God!
- Do good, be rich in good works, generous in giving and ready to share (Cf. 1 Tim. 6:18)
- Do your best for God! Pray, praise, help, witness, share, work, encourage, teach, in short: be a good and faithful servant.
To Pray:
Lord God, help me to serve You with gladness and my neighbor with all generosity every day. Help me to be productive in the service of Christ and in the good works you have prepared for me. Always humble me to serve You and others with the gifts You have given me. May I empathize and be more like Jesus, who denied Himself and served us, for the aggrandizement of Your Kingdom. I thank you for all of this, in the name of Christ, amen!