God raised him with his right hand to be a prince and a savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins."
Acts 5:31
Thought: This is the awesome God we believe in. Only He is able, with His powerful right hand, to elevate our human condition, placing us in a place of honor, transforming our lives, taking us out of Egypt and taking us to a promised land, just as He did with the people of Israel. We are the chosen nation, thanks to Jesus, our Savior, we can repent and achieve the remission of our sins. God deeply desires that you abandon this sin in secret, because He wants to put you in a place of honor. Confess and repent right now. The Lord is saying that He wants to forgive you. Because Jesus' work was not in vain, His blood was shed for you.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the wonderful work you have done in my life, Help me to overcome barriers, adversity. Reveal to me every day where I have failed and displeased you, because I want to confess to the Lord, repent, and change my life. Thank you for the blood of Jesus shed for me. I pray in Jesus name. BELIEVE THIS CONFESS NOW, AT THIS TIME AND JESUS WILL HELP YOU. Amen.