

 Happy Easter!

"He is not here; he has already been raised, as he said. Come and see the place where he was laid.
(Matthew 28:6)

I felt a strong emotion when I read this sentence 'He is not here; He is risen' writing on the wall of Jesus' tomb. On that visit, I could feel some chills and it was one of the most impactful moments of my trip to Jerusalem. - I felt a strong emotion when I read this sentence 'He is not here; He is risen' writing on the wall of Jesus' tomb. On that visit, I could feel some chills and it was one of the most impactful moments of my trip to Jerusalem. - What would I do if someone I knew personally had been resurrected? Especially if he had said that he was going to die and that after three days he would come back from the dead? I ask seriously. What I would do? What would you do? Wouldn't I tell everyone I met about this miraculous event? Of course it would! I usually count minor emotions, like a good scene from a movie, so I would certainly publicize a miracle like that! Even more knowing that the person who resurrected would be saying that he did it so that all the rest of humanity would have the chance of never suffering with death. And that, for that to happen, it was enough to simply believe in the episode, and nothing else! There, don't you believe? You're not the only one! There was one who saw all this and still did not believe. It was Thomas.

- But the risen Jesus Christ said to Thomas: - See my hands and put your finger in them. Reach out and put your hand in my side. Stop doubting and believe! Then Thomas exclaimed: - My Lord and my God! Jesus said: - You believed because you saw me! - Happy are those who did not see, but still believed! (John 20:27-29). Jesus' resurrection confirms and fulfills prophecies hundreds of years earlier. This is why the Christian faith takes on a special place in the human heart. This is the difference between Jesus Christ and all others who claimed to come from God. In this way, no other was resurrected. Jesus is the only true son of God, the Savior of mankind. All others have died and passed away, but Jesus is risen and alive.