

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9

- We often don't understand why certain things happen in life. We can't always see the whole picture, with all the details of God's purpose in situations. But that's because His ways are infinitely greater than ours. 

- God did not destroy the Egyptian army when the Israelites were trapped in front of the Red Sea. Nor did the Lord pull Daniel out of the lions' den, as we would have. Nor did he quench the flames of the fiery furnace where Sedrach Meshach and Abednego were cast. Instead God fulfilled his wonderful purpose parting the Red Sea, protecting Daniel in the pit and walking with 3 friends inside the furnace. 

---- God knows the end from the beginning 

- Only believe! Although you may not understand everything that happens, trust that God is sovereign. He knows what he's doing! 

- Pray giving your life into the good hands of the one who made the whole universe. He is the God of miracles and knows what is best for you. 

- Rest in God! Raging waters, the strength of lions and scorching fire are no problem for the God who created them. He is in control of all things and takes care of you! 

To Pray: Lord God, you are Lord in heaven and on earth! I trust you, Father! Help me to understand that your ways are greater than mine, and that your understanding of everything is much greater than mine... Teach me to believe and hope in You, everyday. Thank you for your good purpose in my life. Amen!