Blessed be the Lord, God, our Savior, who bears our burdens daily.
Psalm 68:19
- Have you ever had to carry something quite heavy without anyone's help? Maybe make changes; or a suitcase that has broken wheels, broken clasp, or is missing handles; or he went shopping and then had to carry the many bags home alone; or even carrying the puppy that fell asleep heavily in her arms halfway to an appointment... What a struggle! With each step taken, it seems that the arms, back, the whole body will not bear it anymore! How nice it would be if someone offered to help on occasions like these.
- This also happens with problems in our lives: sometimes the burden is so heavy that it looks like it will crush us! We look around and there seems to be no way out, nor anyone who can help us. But wait! It doesn't have to be like that for you. - God is not oblivious to your affliction! He is with you and helps you every day on this journey. You don't have to bear life's weights alone. Turn your gaze to Jesus and, whatever your burden, ask for His help. It loads for you! Leave everything in His mighty hands and trust His constant care and love.
--- God helps you and sustains you in every moment of your life!
- Pray! Cry out to God, giving Him your heavy load.
- Trust in the Lord, Almighty God! He helps you endure the difficulties you are facing.- Read Matthew 11:28-30, meditate and discover how to find rest in Jesus Christ.
- The Word of God is refuge for the distressed soul. Read, study and apply your heart to biblical teachings.
- God bears your burdens because he cares about you. Be grateful for the Father's help.
- Have empathy for those who are going through afflictions too. Tell hopeless people of God's love and favor... Surely, there are many around you who need to hear.
To Pray: Lord God and eternal father in the name of the Lord Jesus, before your presence here we are, thank you for always being with us and holding our burden, I pray in the namexdexJesus. Amen.