"For the LORD is good, and his mercy endures forever; and his truth endures from generation to generation."Psalm 100:5
Thought: Looking around us, we can see countless demonstrations of the Lord's great goodness! God is good and he gave us life! God is good and takes care of us! He gave us family, health and daily sustenance! He gave us Jesus Christ, his greatest gift, and in Him, our salvation! When we were wandering through the deserts, on lonely paths, hungry and thirsty, we cried out to the Lord and he delivered us from our distresses.
Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for the greatest proof of your love for us, your own son the Lord sent to die in our place and deliver us from all sin. Thank you, because the Lord never tires of showing his love, every day I have reasons to adore him. Thanks Dad. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.