"And do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is God's good, acceptable and perfect will."
Romans 12:2
THOUGHTS: Renewing your mind is a process that can take a long or short time, depending on each one. The Holy Spirit will always teach us the subjection of our minds to God from the moment we are made new creatures in Christ. Only that many of us simply do not learn, do not see or do not accept the teachings of the Holy Spirit and insist on continuing to think and behave as before. The mind still inclines to the things of the flesh. So let's consecrate our minds to God and experience God's perfect will."
PRAYER: Dear Father, I want to ask your forgiveness for the times I have inclined my mind to the things of the flesh, even though I am aware of Your teachings. My earnest desire, Father, is to incline my mind to the things of the Spirit. So now I want to consecrate all my mind and my reasoning to You, so that I may be attentive to the teachings of Your Holy Spirit and that I may act, not with a passive mind, but according to my free will, in order to align my mind with the mind of Christ. Help me and teach me, Lord, to think the same way Jesus thinks and that this immediately reflects in my actions. I ask and thank You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.